About John D. Northup MD
Board Certified in Gastroenterology & Internal Medicine
John D. Northup, M.D., has enjoyed a forty-five year career in private practice as an internist specializing in gastroenterology. His practice, teaching, and medical research have gained widespread recognition. The media have interviewed him on numerous occasions for his involvement in environmental and inner-city causes. He and Millie, his wife of forty-nine years, live in Savannah, Georgia. They have three adult children.
Amherst College- Bachelor of Arts, cum laude
Yale University School of Medicine - Doctor of Medicine
The New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Internship & Junior Assistant Residency in Internal Medicine
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health - Clinical Associate
Duke University - Senior Assistant Residency in Internal Medicine
Mayo Clinic - Advanced Clinical Residency in Gastroenterology
Affiliated Hospitals
Candler Hospital
St Josephs Hospital
Author of Prescription for a Happy Marriage
available on Amazon

Opening Hours
Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
(912) 927-3046
(912) 925-0597 fax
(Off Abercorn St across from St Joseph's Hospital, behind the CVS pharmacy)
12345 Mercy Blvd, Savannah, GA 31419